This award will recognize a member (or retired member) who has made significant contributions to KAM and to the mapping community over a period of fifteen or more years. Examples of their contributions could include active service on the executive board and/or KAM committees together with making presentations, recruiting new members, writing articles for the newsletter or other KAM/mapping publications and working to promote the mission/objectives of the Association.
Outstanding Mapping Project
This award will be presented to the agencies that had a unique mapping project or has made the greatest progress toward improving their mapping programs during the past year. This may have been through automation of these programs or developing / improving techniques for managing land information or expanding the programs to include multiple users. The agency (public or private) must be a KAM member or have employees who are members.
Prestigious Cartographer / GIS Professional
The Prestigious Cartographer / GIS Professional Award will be presented annually to the KAM member who has distinguished his or her self through cartographic and/or GIS achievements. This award will be presented to the KAM member who has made an outstanding contribution to their profession. This could include production of high quality maps exceeding specifications; usefulness of information contained within the maps and/or GIS data; stimulating or innovative cartographic or GIS practices within their jurisdiction.
Most Valuable KAM Member
This award will be presented to the KAM member who has made the most significant contributions to the Association during the past year. This may have been by increasing the membership, active participation as an elected officer or committee member, promotion of the Association through conferences and articles, or in other measurable ways advancing the mission and objectives of the Association.