Lunch and Learn WebinarsOne of KAM's core missions is to help our members develop their skills through continuing their education. To that end, we started a new webinar series in 2021 dubbed "Lunch and Learn" in which we bring in experts on topics of interest who share their knowledge with the group. Lunch and Learns are always free! Just register to get the webinar link. For past Lunch and Learns, view the full YouTube playlist or find the individual presentation below.
Previous Lunch and LearnsJuly 2023Marvelous Maps - A Mappy Adventure12-1 pm, Wednesday, July 26, 2023 Maps are not just simple tools, they are evolutionary constructs that humanity requires to function. Research shows that all people use cognitive maps to function day-to-day, to organize their experiences, and to help determine future behavior. Painted, printed, or even digital maps are just an extension of this biological function. For thousands of years people around the world have crafted marvelous maps, for a plethora of purposes. This presentation examines why maps are imperative for humanity to thrive and explores unique maps that have changed our collective trajectory. Presenter: Nikolas Smilovsky, Bad Elf Dr. Smilovsky is the GIS Solutions Director for Bad Elf, a GNSS technologies company. Additionally, he is a faculty member and instructor at Arizona State University. Dr. Smilovsky is a certified Geographic Information Systems Professional, a certified Arborist, and a Part 107 certified UAV pilot. As a geospatial evangelist, custom geospatial solutions provider, and geographic researcher Dr. S is widely versed in all things geodetic and is a geoholic! Moderator: Andrew Schappert, KAM Education Committee JUne 2023