Kansas Association of Mappers

Bylaws and Code of Ethics and Standard of Professional Conduct


Latest revision January 21, 2020

I. Additional Benefits of Commercial Subscribing Members

(Reference Article II, Section 2 of the KAM Constitution)

Under the following conditions Commercial subscribing members shall be entitled to one free 2" business card size advertisement in the KAM newsletter.

  1. Sponsored or co-sponsored a hospitality break at the annual meeting.
  2. Purchased and manned a booth at the annual meeting vendor exhibition.
  3. Presented workshops or papers at the annual meeting when invited to do so by the KAM Executive Board.

II. Eligibility Requirements for Honorary Members

(Reference Article II, Section 4 of the KAM Constitution)

Under the following conditions individuals who have made significant contributions to the advancement of mapping, land information management, or to the KAM may be bestowed with honorary membership:

  1. The individual has conducted no acts that are in conflict with the KAM Constitution or its Bylaws.
  2. The individual is not currently a member of KAM.

III. Annual Dues

(Reference Article II, Section 8 of the KAM Constitution)

The annual dues of the Kansas Association of mappers shall be as follows:

  • Regular $35.00
  • Subscribing $50.00
  • Student $25.00 (valid/current student ID must be provided)

IV. Membership Terms

The membership year shall begin January 1 of each year and end December 31 of the same year.

  1. New and expired membership dues paid at the annual meeting and before December 31 of the current membership year shall go into effect January 1 of the following year. The member, whether new or renewed, shall be entitled to all appropriate privileges and publications of the KAM.
  2. Members who do not renew their membership by December 31 for the upcoming membership year shall be removed from current membership status. The renewing member will be immediately reinstated for the current membership year once dues are paid.
  3. Professional designation dues are payable at the same time as membership dues and are subject to the same terms as stated above.

V. Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, as outlined in the Professional Designation Program Requirements, is hereby made a part of the Kansas Association of Mappers Bylaws. All members of the KAM shall be subject to said Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.

VI. Amendments

(Reference Article III, Section 1 of the KAM Constitution)

These Bylaws may be amended by vote of the Executive Board as provided by Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution.

VII. KAM Sponsorship/Compensation of Conference Attendees

(Reference Article III, Section 5 of the KAM Constitution)

When an Association member(s) in good standing is invited to attend, address, or make a presentation to a conference, meeting or symposium on cartography, photogrammetry, or a related field, the Executive Board may, at its discretion, allocate funds to the attendee(s) under the following conditions:

  1. The member(s) must be attending and /or addressing the conference as an official representative(s) of the Kansas Association of Mappers, exclusively.
  2. If the member(s) is attending the conference, but not making a presentation, funds shall not be allocated for more than the conference registration fee(s).
  3. If the member(s) is addressing or making a presentation to the conference on behalf of the Kansas Association of Mappers, the Executive Board may, at its discretion, pay some or all of the expenses incurred by the attendee(s).
  4. Any request for KAM sponsorship must be submitted in writing for the approval of the Executive Board thirty (30) days prior to the event. The request must include a description of the nature of the conference and a justification for the outlay of KAM funds. Furthermore, if the member(s) is addressing or making a presentation to the conference on behalf of KAM, the speech or paper must also be submitted for the review of the Executive Board.
  5. For any single conference, the Executive Board shall not appropriate funds for more than three (3) attendees.
  6. Funds allocated under this plan shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Board.

VIII. Rules for Voting

(Reference Article III, Section 4 and Article VI, Section 4 of the KAM Constitution)

The following rules apply to all votes taken at meetings of the Executive Board and by members eligible and voting at the annual meeting and any special meetings:

  1. Procedural and substantive motions shall require a majority vote of the quorum to pass. Should a vote on any procedural motion or proposed amendment to the Constitution end in a tie, the motion or amendment shall be deemed defeated. Voting rules for constitutional amendments are stipulated in the Article VII of the KAM Constitution.
  2. Procedural motions include actions such as calling the question and adjournment. Substantive motions include bylaws, election of officers and resolutions.
  3. No vote by proxy shall be permitted in any election or with regard to any motion put before the KAM.
  4. All other rules regarding voting and meeting conduct shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order provided that said Rules are not in conflict with the KAM Constitution or Bylaws.

IX. Number of Directors

(Reference Article IV, Section 1 of the KAM Constitution)

The number of Directors on the Executive Board shall be subject to the number of members of the organization. Directors shall be elected at each annual meeting. The number of Board Directors on the Executive Board shall remain at 4 until the KAM membership is greater than 300. At that time, the Board may allow additional Directors.

X. Election Procedures

(Reference Article IV, Section 2 of the KAM Constitution)

Election of officers shall be conducted in accordance with the following procedures:

  1. Each year, the President shall appoint an Awards and Nominations Committee of no less than three (3) members in good standing. Generally speaking, the Awards and Nominations committee shall be responsible for soliciting and receiving nominations for KAM Board and conducting the officer election at the annual meeting.
  2. Prior to the annual meeting, the Awards and Nominations Committee shall ensure there are nominations received for at least one but no more than three registered members in good standing, as candidate(s) for each office of President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer, and at least one candidate for each Director position being filled, but no more than twice the total number of Directors being elected. No member may be recommended as a candidate for more than one position. However, a member may be nominated for more than one position when nominations are being accepted from the membership at the annual meeting. If a candidate is nominated for more than one position, that candidate must choose which office they wish to pursue.
  3. Members of the Awards and Nominations Committee may not be selected by the Committee as a candidate for any office. Awards and Nominations Committee members may, however, be nominated by the membership at the annual meeting for any office, provided they are qualified to hold said office.
  4. Members of the Awards and Nominations Committee who accept a nomination for office at the annual meeting shall immediately resign from the Awards and Nominations Committee. The President shall then appoint a member in good standing who has not been nominated for any office to fill the vacancy on the Awards and Nominations Committee.
  5. The Awards and Nominations Committee or designee shall report nominations at the annual meeting and accept additional nominations for each office from the membership. The names of all nominees shall be listed on a ballot in alphabetical order for each office.
  6. The Awards and Nominations Committee or designee shall conduct the election by creating an electronic ballot or, if necessary, paper ballot with all nominees, including those nominated from the floor at the annual conference. Voting will begin after the opening session at the annual conference and will be available 24 hours a day during the voting period. Voting will conclude on the evening prior to the closing business meeting. The Awards and Nominations Committee or designees shall tabulate the votes either electronically or by hand count if paper ballots are required. The Awards and Nominations Committee shall then announce the results to the membership at the closing business meeting. Official notification of the results will be sent to all voting members at the close of the annual conference. No votes by proxy will be permitted.
  7. All nomination and election procedures shall be conducted in an honest and forthright manner. Electronic and/or paper ballots shall be regarded as confidential information and be known only to the members of the Awards and Nominations Committee. Final election results shall also be regarded as confidential information and be known only to members of the Nomination Committee and the President until the Awards and Nominations Chairperson or designee announces the election results to the membership.
  8. By majority vote the Executive Board may order a review of the ballot tabulations and examine it in a closed session. The Executive Board shall have the authority to correct any tabulation errors discovered, install duly elected officers (as needed) and pursue appropriate disciplinary actions (if any). Beyond such activities Executive Board members shall be obligated to keep ballot contents, tabulations and election results confidential.

XI. Standing Committees

(Reference Article V, Section I of the KAM Constitution)

Standing committees of the Kansas Association of Mappers are as follows:

  • Awards and Nominations
  • Communications
  • Designations
  • Education
  • History
  • Legislative
  • Membership
  • Program

The President shall appoint committee chairpersons at the beginning of each fiscal year. Each committee chairperson shall be responsible for submitting a budget for the current fiscal by March 1 of the same year.

XII. Approval of Expenditures

(Reference Article III, Section 1, and Article V, Sections 1 and 4 of the KAM Constitution)

All Association expenditures shall require the approval of the President and Treasurer. However, as provided in the KAM Constitution, Article III, Section 1, the Executive Board may review and approve or reject all fund disbursements.

XIII. The Annual Meeting

(Reference Article VI, Section 1 of the KAM Constitution)

The Association's annual meeting shall be held at the discretion of the Executive Board.

XIV. Dissolution Formula

(Reference Article VII and Article VIII Section 2 of the KAM Constitution)

Any motion to dissolve the Kansas Association of Mappers shall be treated as a constitutional amendment and the rules prescribed under Article VII of the KAM Constitution shall apply. In the unlikely event that the KAM is dissolved its assets shall be divided evenly between Kansas professional associations and/or organizations to be determined by the current Executive Board at the time of dissolution.

XV. Fiscal Year

The Association's fiscal year shall begin January 1 of each year and close December 31 of the same year.

XVI. Term of the Treasurer

The office of Treasurer shall begin January 1 following the election.

XVII. Committee Recommendations

All committee recommendations will come before the Executive Board for final approval.

Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct

Preamble: The functions of the cadastral mapper and other members of the Kansas Association of Mappers (KAM) are professional in character. The purpose of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct is twofold. Its primary purpose is to establish clear, precise, ethical and professional guidelines for the cadastral mapper and other members of KAM who earnestly seek to discharge their duty to the public and their profession. Its secondary purpose is to provide minimum standards by which to judge KAM members whose conduct is in question. Each member of KAM agrees that they will:

  1. Faith and Allegiance: Give full faith and allegiance to such oaths of office as the member may take, obey all applicable laws and regulations, and apply the law to all Individual alike as may be required of the member.
  2. Performance: Perform all mapping duties in a manner consistent with statutory requirements, without advocacy for, or accommodation of, any particular interests, being factual, objective, unbiased, and honest in all conclusions, and taking care that every map conforms to the highest professional standards.
  3. Public Records / Confidential Information: Make available all maps for public review unless: (1) access is specifically limited or prohibited by law; or (2) information has been obtained on a confidential basis and the law permits such information to be kept confidential.
  4. Respectful Attitude: Maintain, at all times, a courteous and respectful attitude in relations with associates, clients, public officials, and the general public, and a similar attitude on the part of all subordinates.
  5. Public Officials: Cooperate with public officials to improve the efficiency and economy of public administration.
  6. Conduct:Conduct all activities in a manner that will reflect credit upon the member, other members and KAM. Cooperate fully with other members in all matters affecting any official duties the members may have.
  7. Appearance of Impropriety: Use caution to avoid the appearance of impropriety even though, in fact, no impropriety exists or is intended.
  8. Professional Reputation:Protect the professional reputation of other members of KAM who subscribe to and abide by this Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.
  9. KAM Professional Designations: Use no KAM professional designation unless duly authorized to do so by the Association, and claim no qualifications in reports, testimony, or elsewhere, which are not factual or which may be subject to erroneous interpretation.
  10. Recognition: Strive for the individual and collective recognition of the mapping field as a profession, and continually seek to take advantage of sources of current information and educational opportunities. Give full credit to the originator of any material used in writings or speeches.
  11. Prohibited Assignments: Accept no mapping or other assignment in which the member has an unrevealed personal interest or bias, or which cannot be completed without placing the member's personal integrity or that of the mapping profession in jeopardy.
  12. Advertising and/or Solicitation: Avoid self-laudatory advertising and/or solicitation of engagements, using unwarranted, inaccurate, or misleading claims or promises which are detrimental to the establishment and maintenance of public confidence. The Association declares that such practices on the part of a member constitute unethical and unprofessional conduct.
  13. Report Unethical Practices: Report widely divergent testimony, unethical practices, or other acts by members tending to discredit KAM or to lower the prestige of membership therein to the President of KAM.
  14. KAM and Its Officers: Cooperate with KAM and its officers in all matters, including, but not limited to, the investigation, censure, discipline, or expulsion of members who, by their conduct, prejudice their professional status or the reputation of KAM.
  15. Conform: Conform in all respects to this Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, and the Constitution and Bylaws of KAM as the same maybe amended from time to time.

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